Health and Safety Plan: COVID-19

(Version 2, 20 July  2020)

In January 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) identified the outbreak of a novel coronavirus in Hubei Province in China, and subsequently declared it to be of international concern. The WHO went on to add that there was a high risk of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading to other parts of the world. The WHO, and other public health bodies around the globe took action to limit the spread of COVID-19. A decision was taken that all levels of society and of employment had a role to play in halting the spread of the virus.  

The safety of our babies, staff and parents is of great importance to us. This is our safety plan which has been implemented to help ensure the safety of all.

I ask that you please abide by the stipulations and rules, as set out in this plan.

Purpose of the plan

  • To ensure the health and safety of all involved at Granny Mouse Day Care Centre, including – but not limited to – babies, staff and parents.
  • To comply with national and international legislation, and to inform all stakeholders of the spread of the COVID-19 virus.

For the latest information about the virus and its spread, please refer to the following publications: 

Babies/ Staff/ Parents / Service providers with the following symptoms will not be allowed on school grounds: 

  • Fever above 38 ̊
  • Fatigue
  • Sore throat
  • Dry cough
  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Shortness of breath
  • Diarrhoea
  • Any baby/person taking antibiotics
  • Any baby/person diagnosed with acute lung infection, bronchitis, pneumonia, or upper respiratory tract infection
  • Any baby/person with “flu-like” symptoms

Personal Protection Equipment:


Babies under the age of 2 years should not wear a mask. There have been numerous publications of the risks involved when babies wear masks.


All parents must wear a mask at all times whilst on Granny Mouse premises. The mask must cover the nose and mouth. Parents who arrive without a mask will, unfortunately, not be allowed to enter the premises. 


Staff will be required to wear a mask or a protective visor at all times. We prefer that staff do not wear gloves, but rather that they frequently wash and sanitise their hands.

Arrival and departure at Granny Mouse Day Care Centre 

Parents are asked to please screen their babies at home for any of the symptoms listed above.

Babies who display any of these symptoms should preferably stay at home and consult a medical doctor. 

Arrival Procedure

    • We request that only one parent brings baby into the day care centre in the morning. 
    • Please use the pedestrian gate to enter into the premises.
    • Wait in the designated waiting spots until it is your turn to enter the foyer.
    • Upon entering the foyer, the parent’s hands will be sanitised and their temperature will be taken. They will also be asked screening questions which relate to the symptoms listed above.
    • If the parent is cleared, we will proceed to the baby and take their temperature. The parent must also answer the above mentioned questions regarding their baby.
    • If baby is cleared to attend for the day, their hands and feet will be wiped with a warm Dettol cloth. No sanitisers are to be used on babies. Then baby can be handed over to the staff member on duty.
    • Staff members conducting the arrivals of babies will sanitise their hands between each screening conducted.
    • The parent dropping the baby then takes a wetwipe and, on their way out, wipes the gate where they touched it upon entering and exiting.

Collection Procedure

We request that only one parent at a time leaves the car to pick up baby. 

Please wait outside the entrance in the designated spots and maintain a social distance of 1.5m at all times. 

Before baby can go home, their hands and feet need to be wiped with a Dettol cloth.

As soon as your baby is ready to go home, we will hand them over to you outside. 

To limit the amount of movement in the house in the afternoon, no parents are to come into the Baby House.

Symptom monitoring during the day

During the day, babies temperatures will be monitored. Should a baby’s temperature exceed 38 ̊ his/her parents will be notified immediately so that they may be taken home.

These babies will wait in the sick bay area until their parents arrive to collect them. 

Babies who are sent home will only be permitted to return to Granny Mouse after having been tested for COVID-19 or if in possession of a medical certificate stating the reason for the

said symptoms. No baby displaying any of the symptoms indicated above will be allowed to attend day care. 

In the event that a baby tests positive for COVID-19, the National Institute for Communicable Diseases (NICD) must be notified about that baby, as well as about all other babies and staff who were in contact with him or her. 

All staff and babies who were in contact with a person who has tested positive for COVID-19 must be placed in self-isolation for two weeks.

People who have tested positive, together with people who have been in contact with that person, may only return after 14 days of self-isolation if in possession of a medical doctor-confirmed negative result. 

Social/physical distancing

The principle of practicing social distancing is applied within reasonable measures appropriate for the age of the babies in our care who do not understand nor are able to practice physical distancing. 

Our spaces are organised to assist with physical distancing and observation and intervention by staff plays a very important role. 

Social distancing of 1m is adhered to as far as possible. Indoor play activities have been adapted to ensure the afore-mentioned regulations.

Play apparatus and art equipment is disinfected before the next baby uses them.

Bathroom use

A roster is followed to ensure that the bathroom is clean at all times. 

After every nappy change the nappy change station is sanitised and cleaned before the next baby’s nappy can be changed.

Hand sanitisers with an alcohol content above 70% are available in the bathroom at all times.

Cleaning rosters are displayed and signed after each disinfection session.


Toys that are not in use are stored away.

After use, toys are cleaned and left to air-dry.

Books are wiped down after each use.

Soft toys are used sparingly and only as comfort items for the very small babies. These used soft toys are washed daily.


Precautions taken when preparing food:

All work surfaces, sinks and floors are cleaned and sanitised.

Hands are washed with soap and water before and after food preparation.

During preparation, faces or any surface not related to food preparation may not be touched.

Head gear and masks that cover both the nose and mouth are worn by those preparing food.

Hands are washed with soap and water before food is served to the babies.

All appliances, equipment and utensils are meticulously cleaned.

Each staff member and each baby has their own, marked utensils.

Food storage containers are clearly marked.

All foodstuffs are thoroughly rinsed before cooking.

An appropriate distance is maintained when babies are eating. 

Staff – PPE

All staff wear a mask or visor during working hours. Should any employee arrive without a mask, she will not be allowed to enter the Granny Mouse premises. 

Wearing gloves is optional. We prefer that gloves are not worn but rather that hands are washed and sanitised continually. Should an employee insist on wearing gloves, she will still have to use hand sanitisers. 

Employees are welcome to bring their own hand sanitisers, provided that these have an alcohol level above 70%.

Disinfectants and masks will be provided to all staff by Granny Mouse. 

Arrival at and departure from school – staff

Upon arrival at Granny Mouse, staff sanitise their hands at the entrance before screening commences. 

Screening include temperature measurements and questions which relate to the symptom list above.

When departing the centre, staff members must hand in their face masks and visors for cleaning purposes and put on clean face masks. Once their hands are sanitised, they may exit the grounds.

Staff with symptoms

Staff with a temperature above 38° will be asked to leave the premises immediately. Leave will be granted according to school policy documents, and Basic Employment Conditions.  Any person who refuses to have their temperature taken will be denied access to the premises. 

In the case of absence due to illness, staff is required to provide the following to the centre before returning to work: 

  • A medical certificate indicating the cause of illness and confirmation that the diagnosis is not COVID19
  • The expected date of their return to school.

A staff member sent home with a fever can return to work when: 

  • He or she has had no fever for at least three days without medication,
  • Any respiratory symptoms (cough or shortness of breath) have improved for at least three days.
  • At least seven days have passed since symptoms began.

A staff member may return to work earlier if a doctor confirms the cause of illness is not COVID-19 and provides a written release for the employee to return to work.

Should a staff member test positive for COVID-19, he/she may only return to work once they have medical confirmation that they are virus free. 

The NICD ( will be informed of any person who tests positive for COVID-19, along with the people who have been in contact with that person.

If a staff member tests positive for the virus, Granny Mouse Baby Care Centre will be closed and locked for disinfection. The house will reopen after 72 hours.

Service providers and delivery personnel who visit the Baby House

All service providers must request permission to enter the premises 24 hours before the time.

Only one person is allowed to leave the vehicle. Service providers must complete a health declaration questionnaire, and present a copy of their ID/passport/work permit, and a copy of their driver’s licence in order to enter the premises.

All service providers must sign in and sign out and have their temperature taken. Any service provider with a temperature above 38° will be refused entry.

Any service provider who refuses to have their temperature taken, will not be allowed onto the property. 

All service providers visiting the day care centre must wear a face mask.  Persons without a mask will not be allowed to enter. 

What happens if there is a Positive COVID-19 case?

Should any baby or employee test positive for COVID-19, the centre will be closed and sanitised for a period of 72 hours.

Should a baby test positive for COVID-19, the owner of Granny Mouse must be notified immediately. 

Babies who have been in contact with that baby must be identified and their parents notified to ensure monitoring of that baby.  

Post contact with a family member or any other person who has tested positive for COVID-19: 

Baby must please stay at home in self-isolation for at least 5 days. 

Baby must consult a medical doctor if any symptoms arise. A COVID-19 test is recommended. 

The owner must be informed immediately.

If the baby attended school before his/her parents becoming aware of having been in contact with an infected person, the owner must be notified. 

In the event of an employee displaying the symptoms of COVID-19, the person must notify the owner immediately and be tested. If the test result is positive, the staff member may not return to work unless cleared by a doctor.

All persons with symptoms who have been in contact with the person will have to go into self-isolation for a period of 5 days.  All work areas will have to be thoroughly sanitised, and the school will be locked for 72 hours. 

Visitors during COVID-19

All visitors must request permission to enter the premises 24 hours before the time.

Visitors must sanitise their hands and will be subjected to symptom monitoring and asked to sign the logbook. If any symptom is present, the visitor will not be allowed on the property.

Only one person is allowed to leave the vehicle. Persons without a mask will not be allowed to enter. 

Any person leaving their vehicle without a mask will be asked to return to their vehicle.